Allow us to guide you toward - A Good Life -
Thunderbird Wren House
Thunderbird Wren House is a medium intensity (15 service hours) adult program. We serve Anishinaabe men and women. In order to be admitted to our facility, a completion of a high intensity treatment program is required.

Our Tradition of Excellence
Not only do we care for our clients’ needs, we honor them as individuals. That is why our men's and women's programs at Thunderbird Wren offers the best quality care of its kind.
Thunderbird Wren has a comprehensive treatment process to address problematic substance use.
-Cultural Services
-12 Step Lectures
-Medical Services
-Individual Counseling
-Co-Occurring Groups
-Continuum of Care
-Life Skills Assessment and Living Skills Development
-Educational and Vocational Counseling

TBW can accommodate up to 20 women and each community of 10 has their own social area.

TBW can accommodate up to 20 men and each community of 10 has their own social area.
Would you like to know more?
See what an average day looks like with one of our weekly schedules or download one of our brochures. You can also read about the program's rules and regulations in our handbook. (You can request a handbook via email: Interested in admission? Fill out this pre-admission form and fax, email, or mail to us:
Fax: 218-727-1476
Address: 9302 Idaho St, Duluth, MN 55808